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Airshot Tubeless Inflation System
The Airshot Tubeless Inflation System changes the game for tubeless tyre riders, allowing for quick & hassle-free inflation, even when you’re out on the trails! The Airshot System is nothing short of genius, removing any previous fiddling and pumping while also remaining small enough to take with you on a days riding without even noticing! Using the Pump is easy enough, simply use your Track Pump to blow the Airshot Canister up to 130psi, attach the pipe to your valve and then open the release valve for a controlled, but rapid blast of air that ensures effectiveness. Creating the perfect valve was key to the success of the Airshot Inflation System, using a threaded metal design you’ll never see any leaks or have any trouble in transferring the air across. The Tubeless Tyre Inflator also comes complete with an adaptor that allows you to remove the core if it’s clogged up, guaranteeing you’ll never be left in a tough spot struggling to get things up and running. Airshot Tubeless Inflation System Features Standard Track Pump pressurises the system in a flash. Threaded Metal Valve guarantees no leaks or any trouble transferring the air. Adaptor allows you to remove the core when it’s clogged & carry on using the Airshot. Releases air at a controlled yet rapid rate to ensure flawless & stress free inflation of your tubeless tyres! #SUMMERRIDE